About 7:20 am or so, I hear movement from up on the pine ridge...a minute or two later, a doe or three come into view headed my way. As luck would have it they get all around my tree, I can hear the acorns popping. I'm still in my seat, hoping that one will wonder into a shooting lane out to my left, right beside a huge white oak, heavy with acorns. The lead doe finally gets in the open but she's facing me. I'm sitting there, bow ready, trying to stay calm. She leaves the opening, but returns a minute later this time she's slightly quartering away. Well, its green light time, I say to myself. I check to see where the other two does are at and then return my attention to my intended target. I find a spot and begin my draw, making sure I don't get busted. A solid anchor and the arrow is gone, disappearing into side of the lead doe. Everybody explodes out of there, as I try to catch my breath. A few seconds later I hear the telltale CRASH, signaling my hit should be good. I sit for a few minutes and take a bearing on the direction where I heard the crash. I'm thinking I guess I should start getting ready to go, but I'm not quite ready to call it a day just yet. You know, if you're gonna be cleaning one deer, you might as well be cleaning two and besides I had promised the neighbors some venison. I think I'll nock up another arrow and see what happens...