Hey Barry, I just realized, that your buck also seems to have a bit of a hole in his left antler. Must be a twin thing. I should have been a detective. Just call me Columbo. I have put the pieces of the puzzle together. First Gene shot his buck in the left antler with an arrow fletched on both ends....then you finished it off with a shot to the vitals. Then a little while later...you shot your buck in the left antler, and then Gene finished it off with a shot to the vitals. Hmmmm.....can I see a picture of your arrow? I think maybe you two should just fletch one end of the shaft, and then put a woodsman on the opposite end. You'll end up with less deer with holes in their antlers!! I'm willing to try anything you guys say works for whitetails, but I just fletched an arrow on both ends, and shot it at a 3d target from 15 yards, and I ended up with an extra hole in my face! How do you guys do it?