All right. It went through. As Jon Simoneau said, seeing/hearing tales of success gives a guy inspiration to stay out there and make it happen. I guess it works as street talk is Jon got a nice buck last week too. I still don't know how to post pictures so someone smarter than myself may be able to post some later. I guess you all saw Gene's buck earlier in this thread. He shot it in a great pinch-point stand. I let the area cool for a week and went into the same stand the afternoon of Nov. 16th. 3:45 PM here he comes, all alone cruising for does. I was shooting one of Paul Schafer's personal bows that I inherited. I wrote about the bow in the last issue of PBS magazine. The bow has quite a history, which I won't get into right now, but it's a 60 inch takedown. Since I'm "vertically challenged" I have to be careful with the lower limb clearing the side rails on some of our ladder stands. The main trail/pinch is fifteen yards and my limb cleared fine. The problem was the buck came by at a whopping 13 yds. and I had to drop my bow arm a couple inches in the heat of the battle. Yep.. the lower limb hooked under the rail and I blew an absolute sucker shot at a good one. He was a basic 6x6 with bilateral forked G2s and bladed tines. He looked like one of those big Canadian bucks. You guys will all get to see it someday too as I got it all on film. Anyway, no excuses... stuff happens. The next morning (11/17) I watched a limping 4x4 come across a pasture from 800 yds. away to ultimately walk right under my tree. He got about 15 yds. behind me and out of nowhere came the one I've been after. I named this one Popeye because he appears blind in his one eye. I assume he took a tine over a doe with a pretty face. He's a big 5x5 with a neck as big as Biggie Hoffman's stomach... well.. almost. Anyway, he's 15 yds. coming right down the tubes. When he clears the branches he'll be about 8 yds. Just before he steps out he sees the limper with his good eye and turns to chase him away. Bye-bye Popeye. On the morning of Nov. 24th I had a doe and a button buck walk by at 7:33 AM. Just before they hit my scent stream, over the hill came a nice 5x5 cruising for action. He came by at 18 yds. and I shot him while his neck was stretched out lip curling the doe. He wasn't Popeye (the one on my most wanted list) but like Gene said, he was too good to pass up. I took out his heart with Schaf's old bow. This one therefore means a lot to me. Unfortuneately, with the doe and button right there I wasn't able to even turn the camera on with everything happening so quick. Sorry folks.. the hunting is primary and filming secondary. More good news though, Mark Mitten got a 147" 4x4 a couple weeks ago... and this morning in a snow storm filled his second tag on a beauty. It's only a 5x4 but the G2s are over 15 inches. He'll gross 174" and net 167" as a 4x4. Anyway, I just wanted to keep everyone updated and wish all continued luck in hot pursuit. BW