Ok, went to meet with the association people yesterday and take a look at the place. All I can say is OMG! :shock:
There is rooting in all of their landscaping areas and the builders rep told me they've had to call the police and animal control to chase boar out of peoples yards 3 or 4 times in the last month! There are pigs rooting up the yards at million dollar homes. Rooting up THE FRONT YARDS!!!!
These pigs have no fear of humans at all. None. And the because of it's proximity to houses and the road no one has hunting it in years. It is INFESTED with ligs like a crackhouse has roaches. Look at the time stamps on the pictures. I walked around for about 45 minutes and never got more than 50yds from the road and..............
and then while I was trying to figure out how to store a GPS coordinate on my phone this guy came limping up the trail on 3 legs.
Wounded and angry. When I snapped the picture he started huffing at me so I shot him with my .380 I carry around all the time and he ran off. It was intense for a second. he was about 150 or so, wounded with nice cutters 5 yds away from me and all I have is a piddly AMT .380 and a blackberry.
Then, on the way out I looked up the trail and 3 little watermelons wererunning down the trail. I stepped off the trail and got oneof them as well. Then, like we all do when we do something really dumb, I had my moment of clarity and realised momma was probably close by so I took care of the melon and high tailed it to the truck.
Upon my return to the subdivision with the melon I was greeting like a conquering hero. These people are sick to death of these pigs.
This is gonna be GOOD!!!!!! :lol:
Longbow goodness to begin tomorrow evening!