Ausable - NO, I don't have stock in Shrew bows. And don't assume I'm speaking well of them because Ron and I are friends. I also bought a Northern Mist bow this year. I think highly of Black Widow bows, Brack's, and many others. When I was managing the vendors for the Compton Rendevoux I was fortunate to meet just about every bowyer out there....and I can only think of two that I wouldn't buy a bow from.
As far as the McColough built Shrews vs the current ones, It is my opinion that these are better. And it's not a slap at John. I like the grip better, I like the limb design better, I like the finish better. I also like the new models they have come up with....the Li'l Favorite especially.
For those of you who like current Griffin bows, I am absolutely certain that it is an excellent bow, and I would love it as well. My John-built Shrew is an awesome bow, and I hunt with it every year.
This is starting to sound like a LW thread, so I'm dropping out.
Roger Norris