man that is terriable, note to self, cross Texas of the map if i ever have to relocate!
It's not so bad, like Straitshot said you learn to deal with it. Texas has great hunting you just have to own some land or know someone that does.
And if you don't you can usually find a decent lease for $500-$1500 a year, which includes deer,turkey,hogs,dove,quail and if you are lucky free ranging exotics like Axis. Hogs are a real problem here and if you are persistent you can usually find someone with land that wants them killed in the off season(deer)that will let you for free. My main problem is finding enough time off from work to do the leg work to secure few places like this. I've been lease hunting for a couple months now and I'll have me one by spring I'm sure. When I get one you have an open invitation to come kill some hogs with me.
Anytime I meet someone new it goes like this:
Hi, I'm Mike, nice to meet you. Got any land?
Does your family have any land? Do you have any friends that have land?
My daughter is currently dating a guy that is going to medical school to become a heart surgeon.
I actually like this guy for a change....his family has land that is covered up in game and they all hunt. I'm working on him. Most dads would be pleased that their daughter is dating a future doctor I could care less, I was like, "You have a family lease!" I like this guy girl,you done good.