Well, I will speak from experience. I have one deer on my wall, and it is the result of such a shot; HOWEVER, it didn't turn out to be a good shot. This was a few years back when I was shooting only wheelybows. I clipped the spine but didn't put him down with it. As a result, no pass through, even though I was shooting a 60# compound. It is a long way though a large buck from top to bottom. I did get lots of vital damage as the arrow was slicing everything up as he ran off. Also, he was literally almost straight down facing towards me, so instead of angling towards the vitals, it was angling slightly towards to stomach, but I still ended up hitting vitals. Problem was, no pass through equals no blood trail. Lucky for me, he ran down into a ravine and only went about 40-50 yds, but it took quite a bit of looking to find him. Long story short, I got lucky on a poor shot. Would I do it again, maybe and only if the angle was different.