Two suggestions: in a one or two piece the Shrew Classic Hunter, and in a three piece the Morrison ILF. Both are deflexed riser designs. Depending on your draw length you may want a longer or shorter length bow. I have a 29 1/2" draw length and own both 56" and 54" Shrew Classic Hunters as well as a 56" Morrison ILF Mini-14 riser with the "C" length Dakota longbow foam/carbon limbs. They are all fantastic bows. I must admit I shoot the Morrison somewhat better most of the time, but the Shrew is much lighter and a bit handier. I certainly won't sell any of the three bows, and all of them are great hunting tools. The 56" Shrew Classic Hunter should fit about anyone, and for draw lengths less than 30" the 54" CH is fine (better for 28" or less draw lengths). Check out Morrison Archery's website for recommendations on riser and limb lengths for your draw length. I like the Mini-14 best of the risers. You may be able to add a little to what Bob recommends, but not much. The quickest way to start breaking a bow is to overdraw it. Over-stressing any mechanical device may lead to its failure, and there is a reason Bob Morrison and others make those recommendations on draw length.