Got my first trad kill today. Man what a day.
I was in my stand an hour before daylight. Sat there till 1 when I looked at my watch.Didn't see any thing buy squirrels.Had 8 of them in the tree next to me for a while. I was going to leave at 2 to go help my wife break down from her craft show.So I figured what the heck,picked up my rattling and tickled lightly for about 30 seconds and hung it up.
About 10 minutes latter I hear a branch break and the awfullest commotion you ever wanted to hear, so i get my binos and look through the thicket and I see 2 young bucks fighting 60 yards in front of me.
I'm thinking chase him my way. He didn't.
So about 1:30 I hit my grunt tube 1 time and ticked the rattle bag lightly again and immediately I Hear him grunt and start thrashing the trees about 40 yards to my right.
About 5 minutes later a doe appears 30 yards to my right and I still hear the buck grunting.I quietly stand up and get ready. She crosses the gas line (10 yards wide) and comes in behind me, walks down the trail 8 yards away, looks straight up at me, does the head bob and stomp thing.I don't move so she turned around and went behind me and started feeding. The buck comes out to the gas line and stood there for about 10 minutes then came in behind the doe.
Keep in mind that this all started at 1:30.
They stayed behind my stand feeding and chasing,never getting more than 30 yards from me.I stand there not wanting to move and spook them. Standing. Still standing and watching them.Still standing.
Finally about 5:45 they start to leave so I thought what the hey,I hit my grunt ever so gentle. Man I made him mad.He came running with his ears laid back.He came down my left side and stopped at 13 yards.I told myself pick a spot,pick a spot drew anchored released,Right over his back. What a bummer,my heart sank,but wait,he turned around and came back. 8 yards away looking at my arrow.I said to myself again pick a spot,drew,anchor release,right over his back.Now I'm mad at myself.But wait, he came back and was looking at my second arrow.
I quickly access the situation and realized,you dummy,you got to bend at the waist.Took out both lungs less than 50 yard recovery.Didn't blood trail him,saw him go down.
He,s not as big as my smallest bow kill but my first trad kill. 5 pointer.It only gets better from here.
PTF II 62" 57@29 Heritage 250's at 30.5 BOP 190 Simmons interceptor 608 gpi 4 fletch.
Can't remember how to do pics. Help please