My alarm sounded at 4AM and i shut it off and squirmed back under the covers of my bed. As I lay, unable to sleep, i decided to get up and go give it a try. I was Watching Masters of the Bare Bow II and reading G Fred's Stalking and Still Hunting for the tenth time the previous night before going to bed, and when i awoke late, it seemed like a really good ideal. I Threw on my clothes and piled into my truck. Turned the ipod to my Hunting Playlist (Ted Nugent and Metallica) and rocked out down the road. I eased into the woods a few mins after daylight and crept down into a low lying area full of pines and spotted with underbrush. I would move from one mobile blind to another, stoping for 30 mins to and hour at each good spot i came too. i settled inside a briar batch with a few small saplings and dissapeared into the surrounding brush. I heard movement behind me and slowly turned to see a doe slipping in on an adjacant trail. i moved slowly and positioned for the shot, she walked closer and closer untill she stopped around 10 yards and turned broadside. The shot was almost an instinctive action, it just happened. I saw her run off and heard her crash. When the arrow struck she was slightly quatering towards me (I didn't realize this till i looked at the exit wound)My 58lbs shrew and the Ted Nugent goldtip tipped with 125Grain Montec G-5 zipped through her like she was a butter sculpture. She only ran about 35 yards and never bled a drop till she fell.
I dont think i will hunt out of treestands much more, i really like the ground.