I connected on a nice, fat doe this morning with my new (to me) Kanati 58", 51# @ 28" longbow. She was quartering to me a bit, but when she turned her head to look back at another doe, I put a Wensel Woodsman (125 gr. glued to a long insert for 171 gr.) in front of an Easton Legacy 1916 just behind her right shoulder. It nicked a rib, took out both lungs and the liver, then punched trough a rib on the far side, and left a huge gaping wound on exit. The rib slowed the arrow enough to keep it from passing completely through, but the blood trail would have been easy for Ray Charles to follow.
After the shot, I heard her crash within 10 seconds. She made it about 50 yards. She is a nice big doe with a thick layer of fat. She'll be very tasty!
She's already field dressed in this photo, courtesy of my son's cell phone. The batteries died on my camera, naturally.
I was wearing my Cabela's Wooltimate jacket and pants. I had to take the jacket off to drag her out though (too warm). The high plains camo worked way better than I had anticipated. It seems pretty light colored, but I had several deer look right at me and appear to look right through me. They just went on about their business with no further concern about me. I was impressed and pleased with both the clothing and the equipment.