G'day Fellows,
A fellow Aussie TradGanger from Sale (Victoria) who has far too many longbows for his own good, by the name of Guy "Gundy" Curtis, has put his blood, sweat and - well, I'm not sure about any tears (Gundy?) - into producing a free online bi-monthly eMagazine dedicated to hunting with traditional bows in Australia, from the mountain forests to the interior deserts (and anywhere else in between these two places). Gundy's drummed-up support from traditional bowhunters across our fair island continent, and has (and continues to) put in long hours as editor and computer whiz, putting it all together. The various authors contribute their articles free-of-charge, in order to promote our classic endeavour. Many of our modern-minded brethren here in Australia are being enthralled by this promotion of the fun, challenge and deadly beauty of longbows and recurves.
Anyway, feel free to check-out the website:
www.stikbowhunter.com . You'll be able to download the first edition of this eMagazine, and Gundy tells me the next edition will be out within a week.
In the current issue (Sept. / Oct. 2008), there are bowhunting adventures, product reviews, a recipe, and bowhunters' showcases.
If ever you've visited our lovely country and have a yarn or picture you'd be happy to share, I'm sure Gundy'd love to hear from you!
Thanks for checking it out, and we'll be sure to keep you posted when new editions come out.
Cheers, and all the best as you fellows get amongst the whitetails,