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Author Topic: ASAT Camo Elite Series  (Read 849 times)

Offline Onions

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ASAT Camo Elite Series
« on: November 10, 2008, 02:54:00 PM »
Wondering if anybody has had any experience with ASAT Camo's new Elite series?
Is it warm? Is it waterproof? Is it quiet? Comfortable? I know there adds say they are both, but y'all know how marketing can be!


Offline p1choco

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Re: ASAT Camo Elite Series
« Reply #1 on: November 11, 2008, 11:06:00 PM »
I have been wondering the same thing myself.
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Re: ASAT Camo Elite Series
« Reply #2 on: November 14, 2008, 04:19:00 PM »
Guys I had the elite extreme coat and pants, the essential pants, the zip mock, and beanie ($500+) for a week and sent them back due to the following reasons:
Poor quality zippers.
Ill fitting/designed neck on both coat and mock.
Ill fitting in the body in both coat and mock (I'm a 42" chest and 34" waist) and there is just too much material in the body on these garments.
Cuff diameter too large for my taste even with the 5" zippers designed to tighen them up.
Crotch hangs uncomfortably low in the essential pants.
With the exception of the things mentioned above the items were comfortable enough.  
The garments were similar in noise level to the bucksuede sample sent to me by Day One Camo.  
I had the coat outside on one occasion and it seemed warm enough.
Quality of the sewing in the garments was better than that of the Sitka Gear 90% Jacket and Zip-T I had and my impression is that the ASAT material would be less prone to picking.
Overall I felt the quality of the ASAT (like the Sitka Gear I received) was not worth the price being charged and the fact it is made in China by people who have no real understanding of its ultimate purpose does nothing to help the situation.  I've come to the conclusion that in order to get the fit and quality I am after I will have to go with Gray Wolf, Enigma Camo, or Day One.  
This sums up my experience - your mileage may vary.

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Offline JC

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Re: ASAT Camo Elite Series
« Reply #3 on: November 14, 2008, 07:37:00 PM »
Interesting...I guess I've got different mileage. I bought some Sitka gear a month ago and am very impressed with it's quality, and after a few weeks in it on the stand, it works better than anything I've had on. Well worth the money imho.
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Re: ASAT Camo Elite Series
« Reply #4 on: November 14, 2008, 08:55:00 PM »
Thanks for the info.
You probably saved me some money!!!
I too love the Dayone line of stuff, but I was looking for something more waterproof.
Any suggestions???
I had a Sitka gear 90% jacket that I am sending back, b/c of its poor quality and lack of warmth. Even in mild temps.

chris <><

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Re: ASAT Camo Elite Series
« Reply #5 on: November 14, 2008, 09:09:00 PM »
sitka gear was not designed for stand hunting. If youre stand hunting in temps under 40degrees, go with a quality wool camo like sleeping indian, KOM, wolf woolens or day one. If youre hunting and covering 5-10 miles a day, go with a layering system like Sitka gear.

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Re: ASAT Camo Elite Series
« Reply #6 on: November 14, 2008, 09:56:00 PM »
I won't argue the superiority of wool under very cold conditions...but with temps that have already dipped into the 20's in N.GA, I've been very comfortable in my Sitka gear, and I get cold easily. I've tried a truckload of clothing and never once thought any "system" could compete with my hard earned knowledge that dictated my very selective choice of each individual piece of clothing. I was wrong.

I often walk 1/2 a mile or more to my stands and even in cold (for me) temps I work up a sweat carrying the clothes I'll need to stay there and the other gear I may need. I have yet to find anything that wicks like the core zip top...for once, whatever sweat touching it is gone, even in our humid environment. The traverse shirt is amazingly warm for how thin it is and the celsius vest is the same very high warmth to weight ratio.

Coupled with a down vest and fleece jacket, I'm snug and comfortable as long as I want to sit. Mainly, for the first time ever, I can shoot without any restriction because of the ultra thin and highly flexible materials. I'll let you know how the celsius bib and jacket do when mine get here (I needed to order up a size with layering and my middle-aged middle).

By the way, I liked the gear so much, I pursued trying to get on their pro-staff, which I now am. After putting it through the wringer, I am a rabid supporter simply because it was a remarkable improvement from what I had before.

For those who spoke of poor quality issues, I would sincerely appreciate an email with details to pass along to the Q/C team. I'm not sure how the product could get much better but there's always room for improvement.

My apologies for thread hi-jacking, I simply responded because I have yet to see, or hear of any issues with the quality or performance of Sitka gear and I really think it's a superb option in any hunter's arsenal. As Alan said, ymmv.   :campfire:
"Being there was good enough..." Charlie Lamb reflecting on a hunt
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Offline Onions

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Re: ASAT Camo Elite Series
« Reply #7 on: November 15, 2008, 12:52:00 PM »
I would be interested to see how the bibs work for you!
I hear alot of good things on the Sitka stuff, so I have not ruled out buying some more and I need a pair of bibs.
I too get cold easy, so I find your comments interesting.
I have been wearing two layers of woolpower long underware under the 90% jacket and froze! At temps in the 40's on stand.


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Re: ASAT Camo Elite Series
« Reply #8 on: November 15, 2008, 03:25:00 PM »
I have some sitka and wouldn't even think about wearing it under 40 degrees for standing. I like the 90% pants, but feel the rest is way overpriced. Saw the celcius series in the store and was not impressed-I can't imagine it would be very warm either.

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Re: ASAT Camo Elite Series
« Reply #9 on: November 15, 2008, 08:06:00 PM »
Onions, my legs aren't hard to keep warm so I usually don't have trouble with that gear...but up top, I've tried a bunch of stuff. My previous setup was: Underarmor Metal Gear top, ulfrotte 600grm wool zip up, hidden wolf wool vest, down vest, Day one insulated pullover, couple of big handwarmers dropped into my shirt to keep me warm. Worked great, but difficult to shoot in and really had to convince myself I was warm when it dropped below freezing. I was more than skeptical that stuff so thin and light would work better than my proven gear.

This evening it was 40 degrees with a 15mph wind and blowing rain off and on. I had on my Sitka gear core zip top, ascent zip top, celsius vest, and 99% jacket, and traverse beanie up top. Comfortable...and I took a play shot with an extra arrow (I usually take 1 shot after an hour or so in the stand and then one right before I get down) and it was like shooting in a t-shirt.

I did pull on my fleece jacket as the sun went down...but I'll bet the celsius jacket will do just as well.

Sitka gear may not be for everyone, and it may not be a replacement for wool...but dog gone I sure am happy with it.

My ulfrotte may be relegated to around the camp...I'll let you know after I get the celsius gear and hunt with this gear through the end of the season.
"Being there was good enough..." Charlie Lamb reflecting on a hunt
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Offline Onions

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Re: ASAT Camo Elite Series
« Reply #10 on: November 16, 2008, 07:22:00 AM »
Thanks JC,
Do you feel that the Sitka base layers are warmer as Ulfrotte?


Offline JC

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Re: ASAT Camo Elite Series
« Reply #11 on: November 16, 2008, 02:25:00 PM »
As warm, no. But, they are much thinner and lighter so I wouldn't expect them to be. What they do, as a system, is provide a fantastic warmth to weight ratio that passes sweat/vapor better than anything I've used. Wool breaths well, and it is probably the best insulator you can buy but it's heavy and bulky. This stuff is so thin and light it's hard to wrap your brain around how good of a job it does...but used as a system, like it was designed, and it is extremely efficient.

I have had problems in the past with not being able to draw/shoot effectively by the time I got enough clothes on to stay warm. The Sitka Gear I'm using now has greatly improved my shooting confidence while dressed for colder weather, mainly because I've replaced my first two layers with thinner lighter fabrics that work almost as well as their heavier counterparts in insulation but are far superior in breathability and flexibility. I hope that the Celsius jacket/bibb that's on it's way will further expand that confidence into even colder temps.

Will it replace wool? No, I wouldn't expect it to, and wool has at least a couple thousand years of testing...so it's obviously a great design   ;)  But for me, with long walks to the stand, then trying to remain comfortable after I get there and still being capable of making an accurate shot, the Sitka Gear system really has opened my eyes to another very effective option/addition to my hunting gear.

If you're interested in trying it, at the least buy a core top, a traverse top, and a core or traverse bottom...and wear it in place of your normal base and 2nd layer. I think you'll be surprised how well these products work, especially when coupled together. I know I was.
"Being there was good enough..." Charlie Lamb reflecting on a hunt
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Offline bowdog1

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Re: ASAT Camo Elite Series
« Reply #12 on: November 18, 2008, 12:33:00 AM »
Check out WebFoot Body Sock by Carol Davis Sportswear. Warmest one-peice union suit I have EVER worn. Body Sock and KOM wool for stand hunting in high teens to 40.

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