Yes Roy. There are two kinds of spine. Static spine and dynamic spine. What you read on a spine tester is static spine. This won't change whether the shaft is 28" or 32". It will read the same.
But then there is dynamic spine. This is how your arrow "acts" when it is shot. For instance...a 28" arrow that reads 52lbs on your tester may act like a 52lb arrow when shot. But a 30" that also spines at 52 will act weaker when shot, but it will still read 52lbs on your spine tester. A heavier than normal point will also make them act weaker.
But it sounds to me like arrows are already quite long. Sounds like you should try some shafts that are spined 40 / 45 and leave them long and see how they fly. And if they still seem to stiff, use some heavier points.
I shoot self bows too. I've never tried bare shaft tuning, but some people believe that it can be very difficult to do with selfbows because of the degree of noncentershot for lack of a better word. The farther you are from centershot, the more critical perfect form becomes when bare shaft tuning. At least that's what I've been told. In other words, it can be very difficult to get a good read on spine. But like I said, I've never tried it.
Good luck. Keep me posted on how well it works for you. I just may give it a try.