Use filson(25oz timber jacket)and vest, sleeping indian(pants), cabelas windshear pullover. My filson coat does not stop the wind: last sat. hunted in the a.m in wind and froze, went in p.m,(wind) wore cabelas windshear (yes little noisy but in wind, doesn't matter) with filson vest and was supper warm. GANGERS BEWARE SLEEPING INDIAN CUSTOMER SERVICE: have pants love'em 3yrs.old, orderd shirt(recent)had pockets added(no size alteration) and recieved and sent back, thought wool was not same as pants(not as hairy) asked for refund he said NO-WAY(pockets added), I said "you can resale in a heartbeat"! he said "to bad". Stuck 355.00. First in line to take my money but last in line to give it back.