G'day all,
Well now I'm at home and taking some time off from the roads of Iraq I thought I'd share with you all a hunt I had a few weeks back now.
I've held off for as long as I could, that being as the story is going into print here in Oz soon. So in saying that I think I can post it away on here with all my mates on Tradgang.
This gem of a place I hunt Chital (Axis) deer on is just one of those places. I always like to head up there and just relax, do some work on the land with the owner, smell the bush in the morning and push a few deer around the traps.
These first two pics are from a couple of young stags that I stalked in on to see what was what...
Just recently I watched a doco on the Tigers of India, it was called "Tiger, spy in the Jungle". Not only was the super footage of tigers just doing there thing, it also had footage of Axis deer that the stripy jungle cats hunt. And I felt sorry for poor ol Mr Tiger as he sure did put some stalks in and came up empty handed more often then not. I forget the % of stalks blowen but it was high.
Hunting these deer on foot is something one has to try to be able to have the respect for there eyesight and hearing.
But they do make mistakes.... like walking on the same trail to often...
More to come...