The last few times out have been interesting, saw some big guys, but set up the decoy wrong and they came in from the wrong side.
Buckie the $3.00 wonder decoy has been doing his part , but not so much me.
Shoot thru netting is fine, but not shoot thru canvas. LOL
I moved and set up Buckie , in a better spot, 18 yards out and as usual he sucked in another one.
I had the Jack kempf Little grizzly 50" 50# flatbow this time, and some prototype 300Xtreem heads , on CX Rebel hunter arrows with 100 gr inserts. 740 grains of destruction traveling at a blistering 135 FPS.
The little buck came ready for battle, thrashing every brush and stick on the way. LOL
He had a close look at Buckie and wandered over towards the blind , to tear up another stick in the grass. 15 yards in front of me. Last fall I chased a big one and went hungry, so this year I was not going to be picky at all.
Just as I released the arrow for the classic broadside shot he turns toward me. Damm. I hear a crack , bones are being busted. The arrow is half way into the front shoulder as he heads out tail down hell bent for leather. This was a real bad hit.
A bit of time later I look for the trail, and it looks good, real good.
The little buck ,
The head after the fact.
I am going to butcher him today and see just what the 300 gr Xtreem did to the bones,but he feels pretty broken up.
I just rec'd the final version of the 300 Xtreem and took them out on the Titan.
It shoots the same arrow, 740 gr at 152Fps, with a point on of 20 yards and dead silent.. Should be good Moose medicine if I can locate one again.
Now that my Buck tag is filled The big bucks are not even showing me any respect!! Had a huge 8 point walk past me at about 30 yards last evening without a care in the world. He didn't even look at me, and I was standing in the open.. Saturday One stood in front of the blind for 5 minutes at 25 , then behind it for a few minutes 20yards.