I am getting ready to buy some supplies to build some arrows, I have fletched my own before but I need some new ones and wanted to try it out myself. First off I am shooting a Ben Pearson KM Special, 50#@28" off the shelf, three fingers under. I have been reading alot of the threads and posted a question aboout my current arrows and have decided on building some new ones, to keep costs down a little I wanted to use my 100 grain field points and G5's. I am going with carbon for durability until I get more confident, I don't want to shatter those pretty wood arrows. This is what I have come up with, please let me know any advice you may have.
Gold Tip Trad Hunter 5575-full length
Brass Canverta Point inserts 100 grain
100 Grain G5's (feild points)
5" feathers-left w/arrow wrap
:p OK, let the advice fly!