Well, let me tell you what I did not so long ago. I was chilly, warmed me right up, I know I'm going to catch Hell for admitting this but I was having a smoke in my treestand, before I climbed down for the evening. I can hear you now, "smoking in the deer stand, SINNER!!". Honestly, the deer I hunt could care less, I see them whether or not I'm smoking. And where I hunt, the wind is usually blowing the wrong direction for them to smell my Marlboro. And I do carry a tin to crush them out and put ashes and butts in so this sort of thing doesn't happen. But anyways, an ember fell out of my smoke and landed in a very dead limb about 5 ft below me. Unbeknownst to me it caught fire, well as I said the wind was blowing out behind me so I had no idea. Anyways, I lower my stuff to the ground and begin to climb down, about halfway down I see the smoke and think quietly to myself," Hmmm now where on earth could that smoke be coming from?" This is a huge oak I hunt from in this location, so I climbed around the tree to see if I could tell...that limb was smoldering like crazy. So I decided to break it off and get it on the ground where I could extinguish it properly...with dirt. I hitched up a limb or two and gave it a good kick, it was so rotten that it broke right off and fell down into about a foot of equally dry leaves...ya ever throw gas on a fire, ya know that "whooshing" sound that sends up immediate warning flags in the cerebral cortex of even the most enfeebled minds...yeah, I heard that. My smoldering limb exploded into a million burning embers when it hit the ground and now I had a fire of alarming proportions...beneath me. Sooo I climb/fall down my tree as fast as I can manage and begin the process of stomping out my little forest fire in the making. I stomped, I kicked dirt, I peed, and finally got it out, burying the offending limb in sand and scattering the smoldering leaves as far as I could away from leaf litter. I sat out there huffing for another 30 min to an hour to make sure it was out... I was chilly no more, sooo if you are cold just light your blind on fire, when its all over and your warm, you'll thank me.