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Author Topic: How Expensive are Black Bear Hunts??  (Read 1848 times)

Offline Nala

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How Expensive are Black Bear Hunts??
« on: November 20, 2008, 07:03:00 PM »
Hey all,

While talking to my hunting buddy the subject of going on a guided hunt came up.  I brought up going on a HOG hunt and he liked the idea but he also mentioned a Black Bear hunt.  Neither of us had any idea as to what a bear hunt would cost.

I don't have any idea if it would be more affordable to hunt bear in Alaska or in Canada.  We don't need a luxurious lodge to stay and sleep in or 5 star meals.  We are on a budget.

Can you all give me some kind of idea as to what a Black Bear hunt would cost?  Which is better, Alaska or Canada?  Would the hunting all be from a baited stand or would we have any spot and stalk opportunities?

Thanks for your time and help.


Offline fatman

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Offline Izzy

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Re: How Expensive are Black Bear Hunts??
« Reply #2 on: November 20, 2008, 08:33:00 PM »
A real good hunt in Maine will cost you 1250.00 with a good chance at a 200#er or above.In this camp you will see little fellers but if you wait youll get a 200+ bear.Nice cabins, guided with blinds or stands baited.Awesome brook trut fishing in the AM too.I killed a 290lber with them as well as a smaller one my first year there.This year I got a moose with them.Let me know if you need more info.

Offline melsdad

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Re: How Expensive are Black Bear Hunts??
« Reply #3 on: November 20, 2008, 08:42:00 PM »
Originally posted by herkimerhunter:
A real good hunt in Maine will cost you 1250.00 with a good chance at a 200#er or above.In this camp you will see little fellers but if you wait youll get a 200+ bear.Nice cabins, guided with blinds or stands baited.Awesome brook trut fishing in the AM too.I killed a 290lber with them as well as a smaller one my first year there.This year I got a moose with them.Let me know if you need more info.
Wow, that sounds like a great deal. Does that include lodging, and meals?


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Re: How Expensive are Black Bear Hunts??
« Reply #4 on: November 20, 2008, 08:48:00 PM »
Dont forget BearQuest!! right here at Tradgang. Check out the last couple years.
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Offline JSimon

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Re: How Expensive are Black Bear Hunts??
« Reply #5 on: November 20, 2008, 09:42:00 PM »
Went on a guided black bear hunt in Ontario (North of Michigan's UP) this year for around $1700 which included everything but gas. It was a blast even though I didn't see a bear. Just bad luck I guess as 4 out of 6 were successful. Three guys shot bears with bows (two were Pope and Young bears). Another guy shot one with a rifle and the last guy saw a couple bears but couldn't get a shot. I was the only one shooting a recurve, but the stand sites could be set up as close as you wanted. It was a remote camp on logging roads and the guide provided all of the camping gear and cooked all of the meals, which were fantastic, along with tons of food to snack on. He has 800,000 acres in his bear management units and he baits 30 some stands. If you don't see any bears in a couple of days, he'll move you and keep moving you. Send me a PM if you would like contact info. I think he said he may reduce the price to around $1500 Canadian. Our group is planning on going back in 2010.

Offline John3

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Re: How Expensive are Black Bear Hunts??
« Reply #6 on: November 20, 2008, 10:35:00 PM »
$1800-$6000,,, it all depends.

All that matters is that you spend your money "smart"... Go hunt where the bears are thick. I spent years trying to kill a bear "close" to home. I spent twice what a single Canda trip would have cost.

Canada is by far the best value for a black bear hunt. If it is your first hunt book a hunt over bait. Plenty of bears and more time to calm down and wait for "your" bear.

Contact Mark at Bowhunting Safari.. He has never recommended a guide that wasn't the best.. I've been hunting with BSC for years without a single issue what so ever.

John III
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Offline Hattrick

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Re: How Expensive are Black Bear Hunts??
« Reply #7 on: November 20, 2008, 10:49:00 PM »
canada is much cheaper than alaska, canada on the low side, semy do it your self(guide baits to you get there then you do everything there after,baiting ,camping ,setting stands,ect... starts around $800-900 a week thats was to an from with tags an license about 5yrs ago. Ron Henry was the guy we hunted with its hard work but fun

Offline Missouri Sherpa

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Re: How Expensive are Black Bear Hunts??
« Reply #8 on: November 20, 2008, 11:28:00 PM »

Link to my Idaho bear hunt this past spring.  Last minute deal I found on the forbidden auction site.  Cost $1500.00 plus transportation getting there.

Offline killinstuff

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Re: How Expensive are Black Bear Hunts??
« Reply #9 on: November 21, 2008, 06:08:00 AM »
$1250 in Caramat Ontario. Nice lodge but we did our own cooking. Saw lots bears. All bears are brought back to camp whole and weighed for some goverment survey. Average for the year was 250lbs. I'm going back next year, I have unfinished busness with a whooper that I bounced an arrow off his shoulder blade.


Offline JC

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Re: How Expensive are Black Bear Hunts??
« Reply #10 on: November 21, 2008, 07:15:00 AM »
Contact Tom Phillips regarding Bear Quest III, I believe there is a spot open because of a cancellation: very affordable hunt with the best folks you'll find, you get to connect with other tradgangers, and you WILL see bears within range. I was on the BQ I & II, wouldn't miss this one for anything if not for other obligations the same time as the hunt.
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Offline wingnut

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Re: How Expensive are Black Bear Hunts??
« Reply #11 on: November 21, 2008, 07:43:00 AM »
I also can recommend Bowhunting Safaris and Mark.  He sent my group into the wilds of Saskatchawan for a great hunt.  Real Big bear there.  We had bad luck with "green up" happening as we got there and the bear switching to the new green grass and slacking on the baits.  We still all say bear with 3 out of 4 getting shots at P&Y class boars.  One fellow passed on three different bear and ended up not shooting.

Also a little closer, contact Ted at Raptor Archery.  He is a guide in Idaho and has a great bear camp each spring.

Mike Westvang

Offline d. ward

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Re: How Expensive are Black Bear Hunts??
« Reply #12 on: November 21, 2008, 07:44:00 AM »
The best of the best times and you may see some bears with Tom as well.I've been on BQ1 BQ2 and soon to be on BQ3..great time.bowdoc

Offline D. Key

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Re: How Expensive are Black Bear Hunts??
« Reply #13 on: November 21, 2008, 09:21:00 AM »
Before you go to Manitoba, E-Mail me and I will let you know of one Outfitter "NOT" to use...$2,500.oo and 3 bears sighted in a whole week by 6 hunters.  Long unhappy story.

Doug Key

Offline Bill Carlsen

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Re: How Expensive are Black Bear Hunts??
« Reply #14 on: November 21, 2008, 09:30:00 AM »
Hunters Point in Portage, Maine is about $1700. The hunt is about $1400 and $200 per person for the cabin. In the cabins you have hot/cold running water, can cook your own. The owner, Eldon Jandreau is a longbow hunter so his whole setup is based on the needs of a trad archer. You will always have an active, unhunted bait to hunt from and if necessary he has access to trailing dogs...they cost extra, $100 as i recall to trail a bear if necessary. Stands are 16' high and shots are 10-20 yards. I am 3 for 5 on my hunts with him but am 100% for opportunities on some big bears each year. A Lot of guys from your neck of the woods come up each year to hunt.
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Offline Curveman

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Re: How Expensive are Black Bear Hunts??
« Reply #15 on: November 21, 2008, 09:49:00 AM »
BQIII is the one I'd go on-oh wait, I am!  :)  This will be my 4th year with Tom's operation and I've always had a great time and saw multiple bears each time, (well tagged out second night on QBI)!  :)  Now, I've been passin' for the big 'uns!

The stands are way too high at Hunter's point, and those long shots-whoa! We don't go higher than 6 ft and more than 6 yards away! My last stand was 5ft. and 3 yards! LOL! No seriously, Hunter's Point sounds great too!
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Offline Grant Young

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Re: How Expensive are Black Bear Hunts??
« Reply #16 on: November 21, 2008, 10:00:00 AM »
Another plug for BearQuest. I'm going back this year for lots of reasons-people, location, bears, the people. Seriously- this ranks very very high in the times in my life to remember and I'm old so it has some competition. Tom Phillips and his crew are simply A-1 and you'll have plenty to do, lots to learn, and get as close to a gauranteed opportunity to take a bear as you can possibly get in a fair chase situation. Grant

Offline SteveB

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Re: How Expensive are Black Bear Hunts??
« Reply #17 on: November 21, 2008, 10:15:00 AM »
I had an extremely poor experiance with Hunters Point in Portage, Maine this year - Labor Day week.
Stand set up 1st day was for a left hander only after checking with me 3 times verifying I am RH.

Also extremely unsafe stand - climbing sticks ended below the base of the stand making it unnecessarily dangerous getting into it.

Was assured that night and the next morning it would be changed - then prior to being sent out alone, the 2nd day, was assured it had been done.
Got there to find another stick had been strapped to the tree, but in a manner making it even more dangerous. I tried making it into the stand for several minutes just getting sweated up. If I had not hooked my own vest to the tree, I would have fallen. Quit trying and waited 45 minutes for the guide who was supposed to refreshen the bait - never showed.

Went back to the office and waited another hour - no way to communicate with anyone. Decided at this point that 2 days had been wasted and saw no reason to give them the opportunity to waste more. Packed and left leaving a note explaining why - no bear is worth compromising basic safety.

In spite of several emails and a registered letter, I have had no responce from Eldon. Needless to say, no reference from me.


Offline Apex Predator

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Re: How Expensive are Black Bear Hunts??
« Reply #18 on: November 21, 2008, 10:26:00 AM »
Fall bears are hit and miss due to the berry crop.  Spring seasons are best I think.
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Offline ron w

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Re: How Expensive are Black Bear Hunts??
« Reply #19 on: November 21, 2008, 10:36:00 AM »
I went to the New York bowhunters annual dinner and at the auction got a bear hunt for $300. Check out local dinners like DU, Rocky Mt Elk.,and the NRA good deals can be had at these auctions, plus the money you spend funds stuff we all like.
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