im shooting a 58inch shrew samurai, i draw 29.5 and i know the recomended brace height is 7 to 7.5 but when tuning i get great flight anywhere in there but alot of noise, when i creep up to 8 inches even she goes silent and arow flight and acuracy is still the same. I used to measure my brace height to the highest point of my shelf where the arow rests. and i used to think i had a bh of 7 5/8 but when i realized it was mesured to the deepest part of the riser it was up to 8. I was kinda wondering if a whole half inch above the recomended could hurt anything.
this is a new issue i draw 61 and used to shoot 600 gr arows and never had a noise problem, now i shoot 820 gr, and am happy with the results just not the noise. anyone else had this happen?