Hello all this is my first turkey hunt, also my first time hunting from inside a blind. Im am hunting with Deedy And Karin from Bryson Hesperia resort here in California just north west of Paso Robles. Helping me on the hunt its self is Jesse from jesseshunting. Guiding me is a young man of 14 years old named Morgan more on this young man later.
Any way as i said, my first hunt out of a blind
See this guy right here if he didnt belong to Jesse i would have put an arrow or two through him. Twice I was looking hard and slow for sign of birds through the ports in the blind that i had open, i would slowly move from port to port and this guys head would apeer in my view and my heart would stop, @#%& decoy.
This is our third setup of the day (Saterday) we have three spots set up and picked out by Deedy, we were to be at the first spot early and leave it and be in the second spot by 6:30. Well we were a little late to the second spot. When we got there there was turkeys al over the blind and we could not get to it. We decided to back out and try this blind again in the morning and that brought us to the third spot above.
We sat from 10:30 to about 12:30. Not a feather any where so we decided to take a break and head down to the Bee Rock Store.
Jesse, Morgan and myself are sitting at the Bee Rock taking in the sun shine shooting the bull, other hunters stop by, they have taken some nice hogs, one a 260lb boar.
We start to wonder what to do for the rest of the day and someone mentions dove season so i say hay you two grab your shotguns and ill pick up birds for you. We make are way back to where we saw a lot of dove which is the same area we are hunting turkey. Its about 3:30 now and we unload out of the truck, Jesse and Morgan gear up and load up, I grab my bow cause ya just never no and i thought i might get a few shots at some squeeks.
We get about half way down the road heading for the dove and i glance up the hill to my right and at about 100 yards away there are about 15 birds (turkeys) feeding side hill from left to right. I wisper TURKEYS and im gone i make a quick stalk up the hill trying to cut them off and get set up for a shot. The hole time im making my way up the last bird in the bunch, a hen, is just staring at me, her neck streched up and looking like she is standing on her tip toes. Im thinking man she is going to bust me and take the hole flock with her but then i say to my self what have got to lose, you are already spotted, you have a good blind to go to in the morring, go for it. I actually make it to two big trees i was trying for. The birds are about 30 or so yards to my left and on the other side of a dirt road. If they stay on track they will pass about 15 to 20 yards in front of me. I have an arrow nocked and ready, two birds have me spotted, im camoed out and i dont think they know what i am. They start walking right at me they get about 6 yards away to my left and in the middle of the road, from behind the tree i draw and lean out, as i lean out they see the movment and spook. They run up to the rest of the birds and get them moving to, now they are at a slow trot, the lead bird (a hen) is the first one to clear the tree and give me a shot. I come to full draw and it feels good, i lead her a little and with out eaven a thought the arrow is gone and passes just in front of her chest, @#&% i should not have lead her. To my suprise all the birds take about 3 running steps and slow back to a trot i allready have another arrow out of my quiver and getting it on the string, get it knocked and i pick a spot on the next bird that is closest to me, a Jake right at about 20 yards, I hit full draw and again the arrow is gone, i dont even remember releasing it. As soon as it clears the bow i know its good, the arrow disappears right in the spot i was looking, I love when that happens, It blows through the vitals and takes out the off side wing. The jake takes a 10 yard run and is down and out before i can even get to it.
Then i hear the whoops and hollers from Jesse and Morgan form a 100 yards down the hill and im screamin and yellin myself, i think im going to like this turkey hunting stuff. Cant wait untill spring now, I can see a big gobbler in my future.
Here is the FIRST arrow that took my FIRST turkey on my FIRST turkey hunt.
Here is my first bird
Here is one with Jesse
And here is one with my guide Morgan, this little guy was great, very professional and knows his stuff. From what i understand he took his first turkey at the age of 6 years and also at 6 years old he took his first hog WITH A KNIFE.
Morgan thank you for all you did.
I learned a lot about turkey hunting from this 14 year old man from how turkeys move during the day to how to clean a bird.