Had a great hunt today. This morning saw a nice fat forky, one coon, a black cat and about 20 squirrels. I only have one antlerless tag left though. The forky was fun to watch and who says a black cat crossing your path is bad luck.
Tonight in the stand, had a doe run by without stopping for a shot. Along behind was a very nice eight pointer with heavy antlers. He followed the doe passing by at about 15 yards and then stopping about 30 yards away. Stood there looking back for about 15 minutes. Turkeys stratching away across the crick and then I heard another deer coming from behind my stand the direction the buck was watching. Two yearlings coming along. I shot the biggest of the two at about 12 yards. Watched him go down from the stand. Turned out to be a button buck. Waited 20 minutes or so watching him with bino's, making sure he was down for good and then left to get my head tracker and hunting partner. She made short work of the blood trail and really help out with the field dressing. Those woodsmans have really impressed me with the amount of blood they put on the ground.
Anyways, I guess I will be pulling stands next weekend. Hope you all are having a great season! Brier and I sure have enjoyed our!