Well after 4 seasons of no deer I finally scored today. I have a few pics of this buck from the summer but haven't seen him(or any bucks) from my stand, until today. I found a forgotten corner of the woods behind my house while hunting my dog last week and decided to give it a shot. I had a tree picked out where several heavy runs intercepted. After shivering in the cold kicking around the idea of heading in I decided to stick it out even though I hadn't seen anything. About 30 minutes before dark I heard something coming towards me. I got ready, and as he came into the intersection he turned perfectly, giving me a nice slightly quartered away shot. First shot was a little high and nicked the spine putting him down, second one did him in. I couldn't believe it after it happened, it was like something I watch in a hunting video.
I used a 53@29 Fedora 560takedown, goldtip 5575 with 100 gn inserts and b52 browdheads. They weigh right around 550 grains.
sorry the pics aren't the best.