Hey Riot,
First off, I was not being sarcastic. My question was genuine and should be taken at face value. I was not trying to insult you and I was not trying to be sarcastic. If I left you with that impression, then I apologize. I am not that type of person.
I would never be so arrogant to believe that know everything there is to know about cold weather boots just because I live in a cold place. I am always open to learning new things from anyone who has something to offer, no matter where he hails from.
I was asking an honest question to a man who has used what I consider to be a good boot, has found them to be deficient and further, has found a type of boot which he feels is better.
I reckoned that I stood to learn something from someone else. Hence my question.
Again, if I came off sounding like a jerk, then I apologize. This was not my intention. My question was an honest one in an attempt to learn something new.
You'll have to take my word for it. Or not, I suppose.