Alot of people on here talk about boots that keep you warm while moving, well that isnt your case. Anything will keep you warm while walking. Sitting on stand for 3 to 4 hours in 20 degree temps is another story. I have also tried the Mickys and my feet froze in them while sitting. But as soon as I walked 100 yards my feet were fine. I have a friend who can sit all day long in a pair of lacross Burleys ice fishing and it doesnt even phase him. I would freeze in them. Everyone is different. My feet get cold easy and I bowhunt almost everyday of the Iowa bow season. So in the cold temps I wear 1 pair of heavy smartwool socks, a pair of Cabelas 1000 gram leather boots which are easy to walk in, "not pacs", and my KOM muklux which I just strap to my fanny pack. That way I climb into my stand, sit down, slip on the muklux and I'm done, they are quiet and warm. No taking my boots off and changing socks or throwing in foot warmers then lacing them back up or taking off a pair I used to get to the stand and changing into a different pair and making a bunch of commotion and noise and fidgitting around and everything for 100 yards away is clued in on you, then pretty soon you dont see anything anymore then your wondering why? The least amount of messing around with things seems to always work the best for me. I like to keep it simple. I used to find myself dragging half my hunting wardrobe into the woods with me to try and stay warm, or "just in case". Morning Star has it together, quiet clothing and layers. Easy to move, easy to walk in, no noise, snug fit his feet stay warm easier than ours, he's good to go.