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Author Topic: Boot Suggestions  (Read 1309 times)

Offline Roadkill

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Re: Boot Suggestions
« Reply #20 on: December 01, 2008, 10:31:00 PM »
Bates-never unless you like your socks rolled in your boot/ too little footbed to stabilize on side hills
Danners-almost any
Meindls-almost any
Asolo-almost any
Agree wwith BK, this is torture country.  Buy the best you can afford, break them in properly, get really good socks-change them often during the day. I have two pair of uninsulated Danners and one pair of Pronghorns (Danner) that have worked for me for the past few years. We issued Danners.  
Find a really tall hotel in your area and run the back stairs, first in your boots, then in boots and pack until you puke-daily.  I live at 5000 feet and find it sooo easy to run when I go to San diego-coming back it's tough to get back in it.  Altitude will get you, the dry air-less that 20% humidity- will get you.  Idaho at 9000 feet could make you very sick!
I ran the USMC Mountain Warfare Training Center near Bridgeport, Ca.  we tortured flatlanders for the first week they arrived.  we also tested boots, bags, tents, goretex-types, socks, climbing and skiing gear. We also condcuted search and rescue ops.  Often we'd find lost folks suffering from altitude sickness and dehydration. Prepare for those wicked possibilities.  JMO
Cast a long shadow-you may provide shade to someone who needs it.  Semper Fi

Offline La. bowhunter

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Re: Boot Suggestions
« Reply #21 on: December 02, 2008, 09:16:00 PM »
Brian and Roadkill
I have hunted Idaho for 5 yeras now but it was whitetail hunting mostly sitting or moving slowly and sitting some more. This will be my first elk hunt anywhere and I know we will be walking more and sitting less so I dont have a clue where to start. I have a pair of Danners and will probably end up with an uninsulated pair because I know they are tough and comfortable and with good wool sock should be warm enough.
Brian I know what you mean about the flat ground being a road and I have ridden a slide rock section trying not to get run over by the mule deer that I was supposed to be dragging but I think he was actually dragging me.

Thanks again everyone.
La. Bowhunter trad archery addict

Offline dino

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Re: Boot Suggestions
« Reply #22 on: December 02, 2008, 09:32:00 PM »
DANNERS!! dino
"The most demanding thing you can ask of a piece of wood is for it to become an arrow shaft. You reduce it to the smallest of dimension yet ask it to remain it's strongest, straightest and most durable." Bill Sweetland

Offline Slasher

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Re: Boot Suggestions
« Reply #23 on: December 03, 2008, 12:49:00 AM »
One's that fit!!! Preferably sold to you who knows how to make sure they really fit!!! I used to sell outdoor/backpacking gear after returning to the states and leaving the military... Here's what I learned from there, 10 yrs in the service, and lots of weekends walking up and down the appalachians before becoming a born-again bowhunter!!

First thing I do is take a good set of insoles(I buy the superfeet insoles- $200 boots usually come with $0.79 insoles- $100 boots with $30 insoles are more comfy) with me shopping with a good pair of socks at the end of the day when my feet are swollen.

I have a few pair of boots... but my backpacking mountain boots are a set of Scarpa boots... they are great for the tough stuff and do well with heavy loads, but not what I'd want to run around the hills with 20 lbs of gear... but make that 50lbs+ and rocky terrain and my feet appreciate the extra support...

But if danners fit, go for it! I might suggest checking out a reputable backpack type store if you just want uninsulated boots... Vasque, asolo, meindl, danner, and many other good brands are out there... all of them use a differnt last(fake foot to make boots on- find the one made for feet that are similiar to your own...

The idea is to have happy feet!!!
Expect the best. Prepare for the worst. Capitalize on what comes.
                                        ~Zig Ziglar~

Offline BradLantz

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Re: Boot Suggestions
« Reply #24 on: December 03, 2008, 01:56:00 AM »
its my opinion that every foot is different, and every person walks differently basedon height, weight, posture etc etc

go to a Bass Pro, or a Cabela's or a store with lots of boot selection and try on every boot they have in your size - do not look at price tag if you can help it - and the one that meets what you're looking for in a boot and "feels" the best - buy it

Offline overbo

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Re: Boot Suggestions
« Reply #25 on: December 03, 2008, 07:44:00 AM »
I wore Danner Jackels this pass elk hunt in New Mexico and will continue to wear them this up coming season.I did replace the insole w/ one of those athletic gell ones and made a huge difference.

Offline buckeye_hunter

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Re: Boot Suggestions
« Reply #26 on: December 03, 2008, 07:49:00 AM »
mukluks are rated to -20 degrees, but cost $170. Worth it from what I understand.


Offline sagebrush

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Re: Boot Suggestions
« Reply #27 on: December 03, 2008, 02:15:00 PM »
Whatever you get they have to fit well. And I would make sure and get a very aggressive sole. They aren't very good for stalking but in anything steep (most of the rockies) they are a must have. If you don't you will hate them and if they are smooth enough you could even hurt yourself. Gary

Offline Day Dreamer

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Re: Boot Suggestions
« Reply #28 on: December 03, 2008, 08:36:00 PM »
I vote for the Meindl's by Cabela's. This is my first season with them and I spent a few days in southern ohio hills rough stuff in snow and rain great ankle support and never had any trouble. Feet stayed nice and dry with a smartwool liner and sock. Had to by one size smaller for a good fit. Had a pair of Danner pronghorn's, ankle(boot) broke down to soon.

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