I'm with Shaun,
anyone who wants to get rid of those old nasty Grizzlies please send em to me...I have a good home for them where they will be loved and cared for.
Ryan....a narrow cutting width, twisting through a critter, is a lot different than a straight cut.
Remember the old broadhead shaped like an apple corer? The grizzly actually does that inside the animal, unlike the broadhead that was shaped that way.
For every crappy example anyone on here can provide about THEIR experiences, there are a thousand people who can do the opposite.
The proof is in the empirical data...not in your one or two examples. I've seen two, three, four, and five blade broadheads have L O U S Y blood trails.
Brian may have been so close there was no spinning involved...I am anxious to see whether the S cut appears in the exit wound or not.
I've seen a Simmons two blade safari open a deer like it had a zipper on its side...everything fell out of that deer, and it died in 30 yards. Biggest awful mess I've ever seen other than a coyote pack-killed doe.
I've seen a hog have to be shot with five Snuffers to kill it. That proves nothing about the Snuffer per se.