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Author Topic: Mounting Grizzly BH's  (Read 702 times)

Offline Steertalker

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Mounting Grizzly BH's
« on: December 09, 2008, 10:13:00 AM »
There have been quite a few threads dealing with Grizzly BH sharpening lately.  Ron at KME has helped tremendously in that regard.  But now....I'd really like to know how you guys mount these darn things so that they will spin true.  I have been having 9 kinds of heck trying to get them mounted.  I'm lucky if I can get 1 out of 6 to spin true.  HELP!!!!

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Offline Sharpster

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Re: Mounting Grizzly BH's
« Reply #1 on: December 09, 2008, 10:22:00 AM »

After sharpening the tanto, the point on the end of the broadhead may no longer be in the dead center. Filing more on one side than the other can cause the tip to shift left or right a bit. Try to watch the blades and ferrule rather than the very tip when spin testing.

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Offline sendero25

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Re: Mounting Grizzly BH's
« Reply #2 on: December 09, 2008, 10:24:00 AM »
You're right, they are a little difficult to get to spin true.
I don't have any advice if you are using wood arrows, but if you are gluing them onto adapters for aluminum or carbon, this may help.
I use an arrow spin tester and I place a paper plate vertical against the tip of the tanto point.
I then make a very small "dot" with an ink pen where the point touches the paper plate.
Then I slowly spin the shaft and watch where the tip wobbles around the ink dot.
Sometimes there is an optical illusion if you spin them fast, the single bevel and tanto point look like they are wobbling but in reality they aren't, or at least not as bad as they look when spun fast.
I use hot melt glue and reheat and reseat the head on the adapter as needed until the tip of the tanto point stays on the ink dot when I spin it.
Hope this help a little.
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Offline Kingwouldbe

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Re: Mounting Grizzly BH's
« Reply #3 on: December 09, 2008, 10:29:00 AM »
Steer, they spin like a drill, not like a top.

If you want to spin'um like a top you have to change the tip, there are other ways to see if they are on straight, I think  there are some jig's guys use.

I spin them on the tip and look for a wobble adjust accordingly, I also spin the shaft across my thumb.

Offline Old York

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Re: Mounting Grizzly BH's
« Reply #4 on: December 09, 2008, 10:30:00 AM »
Would it help to mount the Grizzly onto the shaft and true it up BEFORE sharpening? Just a thought...

Sendareo25 - I have to try your neat tip about putting an ink dot on the paper plate, sounds like it will work well.
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Offline Steertalker

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Re: Mounting Grizzly BH's
« Reply #5 on: December 09, 2008, 01:45:00 PM »
Would it help to mount the Grizzly onto the shaft and true it up BEFORE sharpening? Just a thought...
That [is] exactly how I do it, brand new out of the package....so the tip is the original tip.... not altered or modified.  I screw a steel BH adapter into the arrow(carbon), smear some JB Weld on and then twist the Grizzly BH onto the adapter.

The other night I spent an hour trying to mount one BH and never could get the darn thing to spin right so I just gave up.

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Offline amicus

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Re: Mounting Grizzly BH's
« Reply #6 on: December 09, 2008, 02:39:00 PM »
This is a problem for me as well. I bought a dixon bh aligner and that has really helped. It still takes some time though, but for me its the only way to get my BH to spin true. I don't know how some people can get them to spin true by spining on their hand or on the tip. I don't have that talent.
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Offline Steertalker

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Re: Mounting Grizzly BH's
« Reply #7 on: December 09, 2008, 03:03:00 PM »

I am using the Dixon BH aligner as well....but it just doesn't help much at all.  I really have doubts as to whether the ferruls are straight.

"America is like a healthy body and its resistance is threefold:  its patriotism, its morality and its spiritual like.  If we can undermine these three areas, America will collapse from within."  Joseph Stalin

Offline flatsboat

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Re: Mounting Grizzly BH's
« Reply #8 on: December 09, 2008, 04:45:00 PM »
I screw 125 gr adaptor on arrow , apply JB weld with tooth pic. Try not to spin broad on adaptor, this seems to wallow out ferrule. use enough JB weld so adaptor won't wallow. Spin arrow on glass top table, if it is  not true I adjust broad back & forth (very small amount until it spins true. Then put them in a box & send to KME for sharpening. Buy one of his knife sharpners & your ready.

Offline BernieH

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Re: Mounting Grizzly BH's
« Reply #9 on: December 09, 2008, 10:44:00 PM »
I spin them before sharpening the tip as well. It's still sometimes tedious to get them to spin. There seems to be a bit of slop between the grizzly ferules and the steel screw in adapters. They seem to fit fine on the large end of the adapter but not so well on the small end. When I get one that won't spin I take it off of the steel adapter and  reapply  lot's of hot melt and start over, heating the head and turning a quarter turn at a time until I get it straight. Just keep at it. Maybe take a break and come back to it...

Offline SlowBowinMO

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Re: Mounting Grizzly BH's
« Reply #10 on: December 10, 2008, 10:55:00 AM »
Grizzlies can be a pain to mount sometimes but they will spin true.  The ferrules on the Grizzly are really about 21/64 which occasionally can make the head want to sit on the adapter too far forward making alignment a bit more difficult.

In all the thousands of Grizzlies we've run through here there has only been one I'm aware of with a misaligned ferrule, so that is probably not the problem.

If you ever stumble across any of the old Easton broadhead adapters snatch them up, they fit Grizzlies like a glove and often they will spin perfectly without even tweaking them.  :thumbsup:
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