Thanks from April
A while ago, my dad asked me if I had any need for my old bow. Of course I didn't need it anymore so i told him he could give it away...
That's when we found out about Vermonter's plan to give away a kid's bow. My dad suggested we ask him if he would include my bow in the "give away" which he gladly accepted.
Just yesterday, my mom picked up a package for me from the post office. I wondered what the long, thin box held...
My mom let me open it as soon as my dad got home, I was pretty excited, as you can probably guess. Once I had it opened, I was totaly surprised, it was a beautiful, "Big River" Recurve!!!
It is absolutly amazing, that someone I don't know, would be willing to give a bow so beautiful, to me, a girl they have never heard of. I thank you SO much, and dad will add some pics of us shooting this weekend!
Thanks again,
April (Vermontelf)