Don't have any experience with Lewis Hollow however, I do with Pronghorn 3 piece and Griffin with the bow bolt T/D system.
My Pronghorn is a super shooting bow, in fact I think it is more stable and faster than my 2 one piece pronghorns [ possibly because of the extra weight of the riser] This bow is 62" 59# @ 28 and the fastest of my 14 custom long bows.
I do however, [ Because I really like the grip ] shoot my 55#, 60" 2 piece Griffin more than any of my other bows with the exception of my 60" 1 pc. Griffin which is 61# and since I'm chasing Elk right now I want the extra speed and heavier arrows it alloys me to use. I can carry the Griffins all day with or without the Great Northern Strap on Quiver. They are like carring a feather and when the shot comes around they do the job.
Bottom Line.... you can not go wrong with either the Pronghorn or the Griffin! Thats pretty evidient by the fact that they don't become available very often in the classifieds but when they do, never last a day. Both hold great re-sale value and are made by two of the best Bowyer's we have the pleasure of doing business with.
Buy either, you will have made a Great Choice.