I just wanted to drop a note to Ted that all could see.
First, he's been a big help in my process of adopting this new "hobby" of traditional archery. He even pointed me to this site.
Second, I've been teaching a friend of mine how to make arrows (which I learned to do from Ted). As a result of this, I've needed to make a couple quick orders from Raptor Archery. Ted put everything together for me in an incredibly quick fashion, and even went above and beyond by shipping me out some of his own cresting paint since the store was out of stock. I received everything just in time to go to my workshop and teach my friend.
I've now got a dozen arrows drying on the line in the shop, and my friend has learned a great deal about being more self-sufficient when it comes to traditional archery. An added bonus is that my buddy and I have gotten in a lot of target practice between dye/paint/sealant coats.
It may have been possible without Ted's help, but certainly not as easy. I appreciate the help and incredible service.
Thanks Ted.