I don't know much about the scents used for whitetails, my small area of knowledge comes from blending scents used for trapping.
In this area most scents or lures have a base or carryer scent. It enhances the other scents you blend in. It would bring animals in on it's own but thats not it's job. Three of the most used are , beaver castor, skunk essence, and whale ambergrass or whale throwup. The last being the most valuable and hardest to get. These same carryers are used in the purfume industry (or a chemical copy of it)
I doubt we will ever know the full effects these scents have on wildlife or dogs for that matter.
My blends that I mix for personal use on predators sure work, the folks working with prey animal lures are fast catching up to what the lure manufacture industry has been working on for the last hundred or so years.
No one lure will bring in every target animal in every location, but some sure work on a high percentage.