After reading Craig warren's frustration with a potential cutomer... It made me realize that trad isn;t like the rest of the bowhunting industry... Thank God!!!
The main reason I decided to drop the hitech whiz bang 80% let off bow was.... that once you found a way to tune and keep your equipment tuned, the fun and joy was gone! Now there are the folks who buy at least one new bow and accessories for it a year, so I see its a hoarding game of getting the latest greatest toy that makes them better than the rest... But, I hated the equipment part of the game and the statussness of what you shot...
I was sick of the PROHUNTER WHO thanked the manufacturer of each piece of sponsored equipment he shot each episode... Man I bowhunted in for the challenge... I actually got into trad by picking up an ole bear recurve to just perfect my form... well It worked, my form got good and the wheelie bow got boring!!!
Now I try to take as lil into the woods as I can each hunt and the enjoyment is 50x greater. There's no chip on the shoulder and nothing to prove... just me and the deer.. they win 95% of the time, but I actually am the REAL winner as I have grown as a hunter, a person, and have realized that I am not in control of 90% that happens in the hunt, but if I give less than 90% to my hunt I will fail... But no matter what I have learned to appreciate and take 110% of the hunt back with... and folks I am a better man for it!!!!
Now, i have an urge to take a season to go primitive and hunt only with stuff I have built or bartered for... why? to grow through voluntary restraint...