3Rivers Archery

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Traditional Archery for Bowhunters


Author Topic: Why trad...  (Read 2760 times)

Offline The Vanilla Gorilla

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Re: Why trad...
« Reply #40 on: December 17, 2008, 02:39:00 PM »
Because I ain't allowed to own firearms anymore.

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Re: Why trad...
« Reply #41 on: December 17, 2008, 03:22:00 PM »
Their is just more to it! Traditional Archery

Offline goodolboy94

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Re: Why trad...
« Reply #42 on: December 17, 2008, 03:27:00 PM »
Originally posted by 3undr:
arrogance-  well guess what, i have found as much of this in my experince with the trad scene as i have with the compound scene. I do like the simplicity of shooting my black widow longbow,but it does not make me a better man than i am when i'm shooting my Mathews. When i started shooting trad i had a friend ask me when i was going to sell my compound. my answer was and still is i'm not.Since when is it not possible to enjoy both? For me to choose 1 above the other is the same as going to my gun safe and throwing out all the guns except 1 because the all don't perform the same way. It is time to start supporting other hunters instead of causing divisions.
do you really want to be lumped togther with the publicty hounds that are on the hunting shows nowa days, i dont, im not saying that trad is better than everything but its a differnt type of people who dedicate there lifes to tradtional archery, were not in the same division as compounders or gun hunters, not even close. so to say its agrogence on our part your wrong its usally the other way around its the whellie shooters or gun hunters that scoff at people or poke fun of trad guys, i have experinced this time and time again
every mourn brought forth a noble chance, and every chance brought forth a noble knight-wiston churchhill

Offline Swamp Pygmy

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Re: Why trad...
« Reply #43 on: December 17, 2008, 03:51:00 PM »
well hey now guys lets keep it mellow. Its one of the reasons we stay at trad gang rather than competing sites right?

3under could have worded it in a less disparaging tone but I think what he was implying is that it is arrogant on our part to think people are less of sportsmen, or less dedicated because they don't shoot traditional.

While tv hunting shows are similar to what pornography is to relationships that doesn't mean everyone who hunts with a compound, or even a scoped rifle is equivalent to the tag'em and brag'em types.

Lets be honest, the key part to shooting traditional is time. Period. With enough of it you can learn it and hunt with it. But its not for us to tell someone who has 3 kids and works ten hours a day that he is less of a sportsman because he simply doesn't have the time to devote to practice or hunting. Not everyone is so blessed. Traditional shooting does take much more skill, and woodsmanship, but that doesn't mean we're any better than a guy who ventured into the woods with a rifle. We're just there for different reasons.
South Louisiana Longbow Shooter

The only trophy you'll ever bring home is a good time. The rest is just meat. -SP

Offline john fletch

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Re: Why trad...
« Reply #44 on: December 17, 2008, 04:04:00 PM »
I guess I started shooting traditional when I was about 4 years old. That would be 1950 or so.  The arrows had rubber cups on the tips, but it was trad just the same!

I really got hooked in Boy Scouts when I got my Merit Badge from Len Disbrow here in Kalispell at age 13.  He was Mr. Archery , Montana in my book.  His house was an archery museum.

I was one of the very few boys (he said) who took natural to the sport and especially the crafts.  He pretty much set me up in arrow making and string making gear.  I have been making arrows and strings ever since, mostly for youth shooting, but custom stuff for lots of folk.  I guess that makes it 46 years now.

I saw the original coumpounds come in and have watched it ever since.  I have trained up young archers who have become good shots and good hunters, many have gone to compounds.  I would give my life to defend their right to do so.  Much like I would gun rights.

I guess I am just a quirky old fogey who likes the traditional and historical ways, but that is why I like:

Traditional Archery
Muzzleloader Rifle and Pistol Shooting
Canoeing instead of motorboats
Fly fishing best of all fishing styles

I just feel more at one with the land and my forefathers that way.

I will not put down those who like to do their sport other ways, as long as they don't put me down.  What I really hate is those that think I have no right to do these sports at all - and there are plenty of them.

Keep your eye on the new Administration if you don't believe that!
Instructor BSA NCS certified

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