I guess I started shooting traditional when I was about 4 years old. That would be 1950 or so. The arrows had rubber cups on the tips, but it was trad just the same!
I really got hooked in Boy Scouts when I got my Merit Badge from Len Disbrow here in Kalispell at age 13. He was Mr. Archery , Montana in my book. His house was an archery museum.
I was one of the very few boys (he said) who took natural to the sport and especially the crafts. He pretty much set me up in arrow making and string making gear. I have been making arrows and strings ever since, mostly for youth shooting, but custom stuff for lots of folk. I guess that makes it 46 years now.
I saw the original coumpounds come in and have watched it ever since. I have trained up young archers who have become good shots and good hunters, many have gone to compounds. I would give my life to defend their right to do so. Much like I would gun rights.
I guess I am just a quirky old fogey who likes the traditional and historical ways, but that is why I like:
Traditional Archery
Muzzleloader Rifle and Pistol Shooting
Canoeing instead of motorboats
Fly fishing best of all fishing styles
I just feel more at one with the land and my forefathers that way.
I will not put down those who like to do their sport other ways, as long as they don't put me down. What I really hate is those that think I have no right to do these sports at all - and there are plenty of them.
Keep your eye on the new Administration if you don't believe that!