WHEN: January 24th
WHERE: Waterloo Gun and Archery Club.
N1029 CTY RD T
Portland WI
CONTACT: Paul Mattson (BadgerArrow)
UPDATE Here is a link to the DNR's interative map. You can zoom in and out to view an area. The Waterloo Wildlife area and Mud Lake Wildlife areas are very close to the club house.
http://dnrmaps.wisconsin.gov/imf/imf.jsp?site=mgdlands&qlyr=00dml_sv&qzoom=true&qbuf=5&qry=PROP_CODE=8810 So far I have had alot of interest in this hunt. So if your interested sign up here and let me know if you are attending.
Sat. A.M.- Meet at the Club House, I will have it opened up by 8:00. Coffee and Donuts will be available for a small donation. Pick up maps and directions to the rompin grounds.
Lunch will also be served. Grilled Brats and Beans, if you care to bring a dish or what ever to pass that would be great.
The club house will be open all day. Beverages can be purchased from the club. If anyone is interested I can open up a trap house, so bring your shotgun along. The cost will be $6.00 per practice round. I can also put out some 3d targets, we have 3 tower stands to shoot from. 3d's will cost $5.00 per round.
Maybe we can even get Whip to bring out some of those great RER bows to show off. A trading blanket can also happen if anyone is interested.
I almost forgot. Raffles, 50/50 with the proceeds going to the WTA youth program. Paddle wheel and other raffles. Finger Tabs, Wood Shafts, points, and more.
So how about it? Who's stopping by?