The hunting SE of Durango is good, but mostly pinyon-juniper with some ponderosa ... pretty dry open ranching country, and in recent years almost totally ruined by ATV invasion. The biggest bucks I've ever seen around here have been right inside the town of Bayfield. For a road-camp high country hunt, you might check out Unit 76, the Hunter Lake area north of Wolf Creek Pass on Hwy 160 between Bayfield and Pagosa Springs. You can drive to about 12,000', lots of dispersed camping, good elk and moose country with a strong population of big and nontypical muley bucks. And plenty of blue grouse for the camp pot. Only problem is that you're pretty much on top and will wild up hunting downhill, which means steep walks back to camp in the dark, and if you get lucky, packing out your meat uphill in thin air. I too have a bucketload of muley pref points, but it will just continue to get bigger because I can't bring myself to hunting anything but elk in Sept. Good luck, dave