Hunt it, you may be right my friend, this it a fine broadhead and there really good looking.
Cost is relevant, My gram-pa use to say before he died, " Cheep is to expensive" I thought he was going senile, but he was right, if you buy cheep and it's junk, you now have to go out and buy the good stuff and through out the junk, so you payed for the junk & the good stuff, he would tell me just buy the good stuff and you'll save money.
Asgeir, thanks for explaining the manufacturing process, this reminds me of the Can-Am motorcycle from the 70's.
I would really like to put these heads to the test, it got dark on me with this hog or I would of shot it a few times in the shoulder to see the results.
Leatherneck, 3"x4 with the EFOC you don't need a lot to steer it in the back, it just adds drag and makes more noise, I tried just 2x3" and it flew fine out to 50yds with a 300 grain broad head.
I want to do some more testing with it before I hunt with it, it was dead quit and flew a lot flatter, I might try 2x4" to give just a little extra.