I have compared the Leicas to EVERY other "big gun" brand. In fact, I own several of those other high priced brands, including Swarovski and Zeiss, and the Leica 8X30 Ultravid HD's are easily better than the rest, including the earlier model Ultravids which I also own. The Ultravid HD's are not just in a "binoculars in general" category, they are the finest binocular for deer (or almost any other animal) hunting with a bow, at least in my opinion, and that is what was asked in the post that started this thread. It is a lot of money to pay for a pair of binoculars, and there are plenty of others that will work just fine, but if function, not money, is the overriding factor, then those are the binoculars to buy. Most people will choose something less expensive, and they will be well justified in doing so, because $2000 is a heck of a lot of money.