I started hunting in 1986 with Pentex, went to Nikon, then to Leupold, and now hunt with Swarovski and Leica. I went the expensive route and would have been better off in the long run buying a quality set to start. I like my Swarovski 8x30 SLC's when whitetail hunting but find I need/prefer a 10x glass when after elk and antelope in the open country. All around for wooded country whitetails I would go with the Swarovski 8x32 EL’s, but my next pair will be a 10x42 EL’s because half my hunting is in open country. That being said, you can’t go wrong with the Leica brand in those specifications. Both the Leica and Swarovski’s quality are unmatched when it comes to optics, ones opinion of which brand is better is most often determined by which one the owner laid out a small fortune to buy. I view good optics like bows, my selfbows get the job done, but they don’t work nearly as efficiently as my custom bows.
This is what I would do in hindsight: Shop around and find the absolute best quality optics you can afford, and then ask yourself if you will be happy with them in ten years? If the answer is yes, buy them. I was perfectly happy using the Nikon and Leupold or fifteen years. If the answer is no, buy the best “bargain” pair you can get by with and stash the rest of the money in a saving account, piggy bank, water bottle, our whatever, just don’t let the wife or girlfriend know about it. Now, every time you use the cheap, I mean “bargain” pair, you will get a glaring incentive (pun intended) to contribute more money to your savings. You might be surprised how fast you add money to your stash and within a few years it will be large enough to buy some quality glass. If, after a couple of years you find the fund was spent on something else or it quit growing, you know that the low cost glass works good enough and none of your money was wasted on something you really didn’t need. There is nothing wrong with spending your money on something you like or need more. Think of it this way, for the price of a set of 10x42 EL’s you could buy two Black Widows, or two Schafer’s, or two Morrison’s, or…… I think you get my point.
Personally, I choose to shoot little yellow bows that I make myself and spend my stash money on optics instead of custom bows. Okay, I Lied, I still buy custom bows, but not as many.