Be for you know it they can be doing this....
May 3rd and 4th Childress resident Cal Sinclair competed in a traditional archery tournament in the city park at Memphis. Over 90 competitors attended from Texas, Oklahoma and New Mexico.
Traditional archery involves the use of recurve or longbows with no sights or release aids. Cal shoots a bamboo and carbon fiber longbow custom made for him by Roswell, N.M. bowyer O.L. Adcock.
The main competition range consisted of 25 3-D targets at ranges from 15 to 30 yards. Up to 12 points per target can be scored. Cal shot a 213, the second highest score for anyone, including adults.
Following the primary competition there were 7 shootouts at distances from 75 to 40 yards. The winner being determined by whose arrow struck closest to a 1 inch dot placed on various 3-D targets. Cal took on all competitors, which were all adult, and walked away with the 75 yard and two 40 yard wins.
11 year old Cal is the son of Charles Sinclair and grand nephew of Dr. J.J. and Margaret Westenburg. He attends 6th grade at Childress Junior High.