A fine reason indead...
My grandfather was also in wwII, a medic with merrils muraders. the 2000 mile march. Like you i never hunted with my grandfather though i have alot of memories spent with him but i never herd his stories about hunting. I have heard the stories that my dad has told me about my granfather taking my him hunting in east PA. mostly small game.
Now days my dad, my son and me hunt some deer, squirl and rabbit. With our longbows in hand just out enjoying the day together in the great outdoors.
Im almost 39, and i know my generation generaly doesn't seem to cherish or try to pass along these types of memories and traditions. The generations after me seem to be worse( maby im getting old) about tradition and family.
I commend you on the tradition you have set and what i think you will pass onto your daughter and others around you in your life.
This is what i enjoy about traditional archery and the people who participate in the life style, A sence of tradition and remberence of where we have come from and maby why we are here.
This is what i hope my son sees when the three of us are togther in the field and i hope he will pass along the memories to his children years from now.
In memorie of those before us.