Mr. Adcock, I've tossed this idea around a good bit because I have a short draw myself. I would like to propose my question in the form of a hypothetical situation.
Let's say we're gonna build two Hill-style longbows, out of the same materials, same riser length, shot with the same weight arrow, etc. They will both have a draw weight of 45#@28".
The first bow, Bow A, will be 70". The second bow, Bow B, in order to REALLY maximize the potential energy stored by longer limbs, will be four times the length of Bow A, 280" (I know this is a totally unrealistic example, please bear with me).
Now both bows will be drawn to 20" and shot (again, a ridiculous example only used for illustrative purposes). Bow A's limbs are flexed sufficiently and the bow shoots, say 150 FPS. Now by the "longer limbs are faster" rule, wouldn't Bow B be faster at 20", even though the limbs barely flex due to the extreme length of the bow and the extremely short draw length?
I'm sure you can see with this ridiculous example what I'm getting at here. I was always of the opinion that a longer bow would perform better for someone with a longer draw, and a shorter bow would perform better for someone with a shorter draw. Not necessarily because of energy storage purposes, but mainly because someone with a shorter draw would not be able to sufficiently flex the limbs of a much longer bow in order to maximize the longer bow's energy storage potential.
I am in no way intending to disrespect your statements, as I'm quite sure there is plenty of evidence to the contrary of my example - I just don't see the fatal flaw in my line of reasoning.
I just got a new A&H ACS-CX in 58" and I'm really tickled with it. I have around a 27-27.5" draw and I got it mainly for hunting purposes, but I also thought that it would be best for me as Dan told me the 58" bows are kind of stacky at anything past 28". So I thought that it would be the best length to maximize the potential energy of my shorter draw compared to, say, a 66" model. However, I know that with the ACS cross section limbs, conventional rules probably don't apply.