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Author Topic: Joan Leonard Memorial Bunny Hunt 09(My Final Thankyou!!)  (Read 71017 times)

Offline Skipmaster1

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Re: Joan Leonard Memorial Bunny Hunt 09(My Final Thankyou!!)
« Reply #1240 on: February 24, 2009, 01:59:00 AM »
I am still beat from this weekend. I feel like I was hit by a truck and dragged for a mile or two! hahaha and it feels great. i met some great people this weekend and am so happy i could attend. I want to thank Shawn and his family for having all of us. this was a truly amazing weekend. I saw more bunnies than i could have dreamed of, and i got plenty of shots. I would have loved to have connected on one, but that didn't matter I had a great time anyway and we raised a ton of money for a great cause! I will be back next year!

Thanks again everyone that made this possible! i'm off to bed now, I need it


Offline legends1

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Re: Joan Leonard Memorial Bunny Hunt 09(My Final Thankyou!!)
« Reply #1241 on: February 24, 2009, 03:09:00 AM »
Shawn,Its been fun reading all the replies and pictures of the weekend.Wish I could have been there.You all did a awesome job raising $5300.Who won the Legends recurve I sent you?If you got any pictures of the winner I would like to have one to post in the shop.Thanks so much to you and your family and all who were a part.God bless you!

Offline Paul Mattson

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Re: Joan Leonard Memorial Bunny Hunt 09(My Final Thankyou!!)
« Reply #1242 on: February 24, 2009, 07:35:00 AM »
Also who won the arrows that I sent?   Anyone have a chance to shoot the Arrow Dynamic's.  How did the the Fir arrows shoot from Hope and Faith?

Sounds like everyone had a great time.  $5300.00 raised, WOW!

Offline IndianaBowman

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Re: Joan Leonard Memorial Bunny Hunt 09(My Final Thankyou!!)
« Reply #1243 on: February 24, 2009, 08:59:00 AM »
Curt you are a master story teller!  Looking for more my friend.  Jennifer was telling my wife and I at dinner last night about Cade coming up the stairs and being really excited about the knives he won! She said he had like four knives in his hands. She said, "his mom is really gonna love that"!  I'm sure his mom is also really proud of the turkey foot "bird" he picked from the steel rabbit prize table!  :)  I can see that "bird" foot being prominently displayed in the kitchen! That foot came from Tyler's first ever turkey kill!

BigEd - it was great meeting you! You are very generous with the kids and that my friend is what it's all about. Glad to see you are a bowfisherman too! If your in the area this summer give me a buzz!

Offline bbassi

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Re: Joan Leonard Memorial Bunny Hunt 09(My Final Thankyou!!)
« Reply #1244 on: February 24, 2009, 09:39:00 AM »
Michael and Paul - I don't remember exactly who won your donations(I'm sure Shawn does), but I just wanted to thank both of you for your donations! It's folks like you that amaze us every year with your generosity.    :thumbsup:

My guess is Shawn is still recovering somewhat from the weekend but I'm sure we will know who the lucky winners were soon.
Cum catapultae proscriptae erunt tum soli proscripti catapultas habebunt.

Offline bill langer

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Re: Joan Leonard Memorial Bunny Hunt 09(My Final Thankyou!!)
« Reply #1245 on: February 24, 2009, 10:19:00 AM »
The best hunting moment for me had to be the first annual bunny pardon. 25 itchy "trigger" fingers were within 15 feet of the wabbit under foot......everyone knowing the "right" thing to do! Can't trust a man that don't shoot a bent stick....
Hey Guys and Gals, I want to put a tape together for you all. Could some of you send a couple pics -group, kids, hunters with their bunny's, etc....PO Box 317, Barkhamsted, CT. 06063. I have some computer problems right now and can,t download. "DON,T SHOOT ME......DON'T SHOOT ME.....DON'T SHOOT ME"

Offline Jeremy

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Re: Joan Leonard Memorial Bunny Hunt 09(My Final Thankyou!!)
« Reply #1246 on: February 24, 2009, 10:26:00 AM »
My favorite part of the whole catch and release episode was Keith (no-sage) standing there with an arrow on the string asking me, "Do you trust me?" LOL!
>>>-TGMM Family Of The Bow-->
CT CE/FS Chief Instructor
"Death is not the greatest loss in life.  The greatest loss is what dies inside us while we live." - Norman Cousins

Offline ishiwannabe

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Re: Joan Leonard Memorial Bunny Hunt 09(My Final Thankyou!!)
« Reply #1247 on: February 24, 2009, 10:37:00 AM »
Sounds awesome Bill. Im sure you will get whatever you ask for, I know there were a lot of cameras there.

So, there we were, two pushes left on the first day. We set standers on a ridge, and Bill used a strategically placed stand to film from. The drivers swung around and spread out to begin the drive. Almost immediately an bunny took off in front of us. I had Damon's son Justin on my left, Jason and Gaff on my right.
I remember thinking "wow, this is EASY stuff to go through". Then we hit a wall of rose bushes, tangled with grape vines with a few dozen big thorned and mean trees thrown in for good measure.
Im literally stuck. I hit the ground, breaking stuff so I can fit through-dragging my bow behind me. I hear fabric tearing. I feel skin tearing. This is great.
I bust out through the other side, and look left. Justin is about ten feet away, and basically stuck. I ask him if he needs help..."No, Im ok", he fights his way out.  Impressive young man. On line again we begin to advance. Suddenly we all merge right, up hill towards the standers.
"Bunny going up!" I hear a few arrows smack into brush, leaves and trees. "Bunny coming down!" I have Terry near me, figured we had a dead bunny...amazing shot he is.
He shoots, bunny is running, I shoot, bunny is running. Almost imediately the bunny has an arrow through it. It makes it fifteen yards and the arrow hangs up on two small saplings. Bow goes flying, Im sprinting. Where I got the energy for that, I dont know. I was spent at this point. I jump, reaching for the rabbit...got em! The bunny was dead, just didnt know it yet. The arrow was perfectly drilled through...I will let the shooter tell that part. Turned out to be a pretty lucky arrow Im told...
Back up the hill to the standers...I think we were all spent at this point, and there was one more section to hunt. I remember a lot of panting, blood, smiles and then the camera flashes started.

Man...still reliving this whole thing.
No better group of people, no better rabbitat(Thanks Keith) anywhere. It is simply one of my favorite events of the year.
My only regret was that my camera was in Florida for this one...

"I lost arrows and didnt even shoot at a rabbit" Charlie after the Island of Trees.

Offline Izzy

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Re: Joan Leonard Memorial Bunny Hunt 09(My Final Thankyou!!)
« Reply #1248 on: February 24, 2009, 10:37:00 AM »
Bill, thanks for all that you did for this hunt.My little guy won 2 of your DVDs and we were on the edge of our seats watching Trad Harvest III.We all felt like we were with you all.Simple , classy and real is how Id explain them.We'll watch the other one tonight.I dont usually buy hunting DVDs but will be buying your collection.And a big thank you to everyone who donated and to everyone for just being there.I met a few new friends and saw some that I wish I saw a whole lot more.Its people and events like this that will teach my sons what it means to be  good men and Americans  and that theres nothing on a video game thats more fun than getting outside with folks like you all.Thanks Shawn and family for how much you enrich us all with this event.Shawn you really are the Man.

Offline bill langer

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Re: Joan Leonard Memorial Bunny Hunt 09(My Final Thankyou!!)
« Reply #1249 on: February 24, 2009, 10:46:00 AM »
Right on guy's, thanks again for letting me and my family share the day.

Offline IndianaBowman

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Re: Joan Leonard Memorial Bunny Hunt 09(My Final Thankyou!!)
« Reply #1250 on: February 24, 2009, 12:12:00 PM »
Bill, I will get all of the photos I took printed out and in the mail today. Thanks again and really looking forward to the video. I'm more than happy to pay whatever production cost you have.

Offline ishiwannabe

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Re: Joan Leonard Memorial Bunny Hunt 09(My Final Thankyou!!)
« Reply #1251 on: February 24, 2009, 12:15:00 PM »
Bill...you can cut the stuttering goofy smile of mine out too....lol.  :D  
Cant wait to see that footage though. Izzy, the bunny killing machine.  :notworthy:
"I lost arrows and didnt even shoot at a rabbit" Charlie after the Island of Trees.

Offline IndianaBowman

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Re: Joan Leonard Memorial Bunny Hunt 09(My Final Thankyou!!)
« Reply #1252 on: February 24, 2009, 12:20:00 PM »
Ishi, I center punched a sapling on the swing otherwise I would've got that wascally rabbit...yeah right, wink, wink! I get lucky sometimes, this wasn't one of the times.  After the rabbit zoomed past I still had my eye on him and an arrow magically appeared right behind the shoulder. I'm still impressed with the shot whether there was luck involved or not. What was even more impressive was Ishi's response time. I tell you what, I think I'll start calling him "Top Fuel Dragster". He must've shot, dropped his bow, and sprinted after that rabbit in less than half a second! Shirley Muldowney (Team Pink) would've been proud of that reaction time! Amazing dive into a thicket to boot. I won't compare Ishi to Greg Louganis, but his dive was awful nice!

Offline Doug Campbell

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Re: Joan Leonard Memorial Bunny Hunt 09(My Final Thankyou!!)
« Reply #1253 on: February 24, 2009, 12:31:00 PM »
Just a quick note then I'll be back later... made it home bout 1:00am this morning, looking forward to reading all the posts and pics. Thanks again everybody for the hospitality!!
Life is wonderful in Montana!!
ABS Journeyman Knifesmith

Offline Skipmaster1

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Re: Joan Leonard Memorial Bunny Hunt 09(My Final Thankyou!!)
« Reply #1254 on: February 24, 2009, 12:58:00 PM »
Thank you Doug for coming all the way out here and for the knife you donated. It was great to get a chance to talk with you a bit. Next time you come to westchester let me know and we'll get together.

Offline zirnsak

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Re: Joan Leonard Memorial Bunny Hunt 09(My Final Thankyou!!)
« Reply #1255 on: February 24, 2009, 01:51:00 PM »
Guys, let me start by saying "WOW!" What an experience. I really didn't know what to expect when it came to 80 hunters in the woods at the same time, but it didn't take long to see that this was one of the best times I have ever had. Shawn, outstanding job to you and your family & to all that helped prepare this event. It was well worth the 7 hour drive from Pittsburgh! Nothing like hearing "BUNNY!!!!" and watching 30 guys in a row release an arrow at a running rabbit. Thanks again and we will be back next year.
Nothing brings three generations together like shooting tradional! Love you Pop, Brother Bear and my boys H & Luke.

Offline ron w

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Re: Joan Leonard Memorial Bunny Hunt 09(My Final Thankyou!!)
« Reply #1256 on: February 24, 2009, 02:12:00 PM »
Doug, was nice talking to you about hunting,bows,and being out west. It was a pleasure meeting you, Thanks for stopping by.
In the beginner's mind there are many possibilities. In the expert's there are few...So the most difficult thing is always to keep your beginner's mind...This is also the real secret of the arts: always be a beginner.  Shunryu Suzuki

Offline bill langer

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Re: Joan Leonard Memorial Bunny Hunt 09(My Final Thankyou!!)
« Reply #1257 on: February 24, 2009, 03:35:00 PM »
Thanks Terry the photos will be great!

Offline Huntrdfk@Work

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Re: Joan Leonard Memorial Bunny Hunt 09(My Final Thankyou!!)
« Reply #1258 on: February 24, 2009, 03:52:00 PM »
Bill thanks for coming just to video the hunt, I know you must have had as good a time as the hunters though, there is no way not to.  I will print and send some pictures also......

Saturday night was dinner and raffle night.......all I can say is wow!!!! There was a kids raffle, a general raffle, a bowfishing trip and a hog hunt......yikes!!!!!  Money was flying, tickets were ripping, all for the kids!  :thumbsup:  I don't know what time we started, but I didn't think I would ever empty the tables of raffle items as I passed them to Jamie, to Curt and finally to Shawn.......whose voice was loud and clear through the entire raffle.  When all was said and done we had raffled off a bunch of bows, I don't know how many knives, (Keith please make sure you are gentle with my knife that you're holding for me....  :D ), arrows, shafts, and an untold number of other archery related items.  When Cindy counted the money and came up with $5300.00 I was stunned and proud at the same time.  What you all did Saturday evening is a true reflection of who each and every one of you are, and I am proud to be associated with you.   :notworthy:    :notworthy:    :clapper:  

More hunts and pics to come.........


Offline Shawn Leonard

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Re: Joan Leonard Memorial Bunny Hunt 09(My Final Thankyou!!)
« Reply #1259 on: February 24, 2009, 04:46:00 PM »
I will add to what david said, there were at least 14 bows given away. The Legendsbow was the first and a youngster won it, Jeff Williams boy. His name escapes me but he was shooting it pretty darn good Sunday morning. Also Keith Deters boy was another highlight, he makes the sweetest bamboo backed Osage bow ya ever saw!! There were blinds and muskrat pelts and a bear skin rug given away. While I am on that topic, if someone has a pic. of Cindy in that get-up please post it!! Be back for more stories!! OOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! Shawn

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