Sounds awesome Bill. Im sure you will get whatever you ask for, I know there were a lot of cameras there.
So, there we were, two pushes left on the first day. We set standers on a ridge, and Bill used a strategically placed stand to film from. The drivers swung around and spread out to begin the drive. Almost immediately an bunny took off in front of us. I had Damon's son Justin on my left, Jason and Gaff on my right.
I remember thinking "wow, this is EASY stuff to go through". Then we hit a wall of rose bushes, tangled with grape vines with a few dozen big thorned and mean trees thrown in for good measure.
Im literally stuck. I hit the ground, breaking stuff so I can fit through-dragging my bow behind me. I hear fabric tearing. I feel skin tearing. This is great.
I bust out through the other side, and look left. Justin is about ten feet away, and basically stuck. I ask him if he needs help..."No, Im ok", he fights his way out. Impressive young man. On line again we begin to advance. Suddenly we all merge right, up hill towards the standers.
"Bunny going up!" I hear a few arrows smack into brush, leaves and trees. "Bunny coming down!" I have Terry near me, figured we had a dead bunny...amazing shot he is.
He shoots, bunny is running, I shoot, bunny is running. Almost imediately the bunny has an arrow through it. It makes it fifteen yards and the arrow hangs up on two small saplings. Bow goes flying, Im sprinting. Where I got the energy for that, I dont know. I was spent at this point. I jump, reaching for the em! The bunny was dead, just didnt know it yet. The arrow was perfectly drilled through...I will let the shooter tell that part. Turned out to be a pretty lucky arrow Im told...
Back up the hill to the standers...I think we were all spent at this point, and there was one more section to hunt. I remember a lot of panting, blood, smiles and then the camera flashes started.
Man...still reliving this whole thing.
No better group of people, no better rabbitat(Thanks Keith) anywhere. It is simply one of my favorite events of the year.
My only regret was that my camera was in Florida for this one...