Just booked Dougs flight, I will pick him up at the airport friday evening!! He is excited as ya can tell about the hunt. As Jamie said I am sure he will have a great time and get to meet some great folks!! Some more great news Paul at Badger arrows is making us two dozen ash arrows for Hope and Faith with hex heads on half, so we can hunt with them than raffle them. I am gonna carry Hope and Curt is gonna carry Faith on the last push of the day, hopefully we can end the hunt with a kill with each. I have a secret spot to make this happen!! HotHap sent some sweet stuff, the best being 2 dozen Supercedars that are barrel-tapered, WOW!! Thanks Hap!! OK now you guys can leave me alone about our guest, I did good, huh?(with a lot of help from Curt(Guru). For the guys coming this Sat, lets kill a bunny or two and give the rest of the folks coming something to look forward too!! OOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! Shawn