Recently here on the forum there have been several posts concerning broadheads.
Well, here is another for ya
Years ago I used to be able to buy Zwickys for somewhere around 10 bucks for 1/2 dozen and sometimes find them on sale for 13 bucks for 12 (2 six packs taped together). I bought these heads for their all around useability for just about anything.These heads were pretty dran tough for the money.
When hunting on Catalina Island or Santa Cruz Island I used to use the MA-2 broaheads because most of the time the arrow I would shoot would not be able to be recovered due to heavy cactus and stuff like that. The MA-2's were cheap man. You could get a dozen for 5 bucks. It didn't hurt to loose these. Now, they are 19 bucks for a half a dozen. Cost darn near as much as a Zwicky, and not even close to the durability. WOW
All that being said I found that the MA-2's were not durable at all. Shooting at small game and missing, seems like I always would recover a bent MA-2 when I could find them.
Years ago when shooting the old State Broadhead shoots, I always used Zwickys because they seemed very durable shooting into the dirt banks and remember several times going through the whole tournaments shooting just one broadhead with no failures.
The other day I purchased a dozen Magnus heads to try. While practicing the other day I missed the target and the arrow went through the grass, hit a small stone and completely blew up. The arrow stayed as straight as can be, but that head came apart at the seems.
My question is, what broadhead do you think is the most durable? If you were going bunny hunting, or squirrl shooting, what head do you think would hold up the best? The way that Magnus came apart I would hate to think what would have happened if it hit some heavy bone.
So, looking for a tough, durable broadhead. What do you guys think? Thanks, Don