Well I went out for the last day of our Wisconsin season. With an ice storm last night, the temps were supposed to be dropping into the single digits and windy all day! I thought is was gonna be good! I plan on going back to an area that I haven't been to for a few weeks. On my way to find a new tree to set up in along a small river crossing I look up the trail and see some movement, at first I'm thinking coyote, no, not a Coyote, a Deer, but is it getting eatin by a Coyote, no, it fell thru the Ice and is stuck and struggling in the water. I'm like now what, I take the stand off my back, nock an arrow and sneak over to the struggling deer trying to get out of the water, it can't. As I get closer I'm thinking I'm going to get to shoot a deer on the last hunt of the year. When I get with in 20 yards the deer stops and takes a rest, tries to get out again but can't get out from the icy water. I'm like this sucks, I go over to the bank and assess the situation, all the while the deer takes another rest. I'm like come big girl you can get out. Nope she is not gonna get out. Well I start to talk to her and try to get her fired up to free herself. I yell at her louder and she almost gets out but falls back into the water. As she gives it another go, I yell a little louder and this gets her a boost of energy, almost out, I yell some more and she just barley gets up the other side. She lays there for a second, gets up, looks at me, shakes off, looks at me again and then walks off! I could of shot her when she was in the water, when she got out and was looking at me from 5 yards but she just made it thru a life threatening struggle which would of been a painful death, I bid her goodbye and see ya next year! I think she will be fine, I know I do knowing she made it out! To me... it was a successful last deer hunt of the season helping the old girl out!! Good luck!