OK gang, here we go!! We are starting to take orders for the GORH shirts, either T-shirts or Sweatshirts.
The shirts will have the GORH drawing and "1939-2009" under the picture. The color is "Natural" which is a light tan.

We will take orders through February 1, 2009, so we have time to place the order with the company making them and have them ready for the hunt.
You do not have to come to GORH to order a shirt. Anyone may order them, just be sure to include the postage so I can mail them to you. Two years ago we sent shirts all over the world, to include Iraq! These were very popular shirts and we have since seen them at the big shoots, to include Denton Hill, Cloverdale and ATAR! Don't miss out, order now!
To order the shirts, go to
http://gorh2009.homestead.com/Shirt.html The order form is pretty simple, and we can even take PayPal! All the prices and instructions can be seen here. If you still have questions, feel free to email me at
[email protected].
GORH is a totally non-profit event. Any profit from the sale of shirts will be given to the Ohio Society of Traditional Archers, Ohio's traditional organization.
We would also encourage you to visit the GORH web site(
http://gorh2009.homestead.com/). 2009 marks the 70th anniversary of this event. The web site even includes pictures of the first hunt in 1939!
When you place an order, please post a quick note here so I am sure I got your order. So far....so good, we just want to be sure!
Hope to see you there!