Originally posted by Jim Wright: I recently had Dan Toelke make me a 64" "D" bow of Texas Ebony/Myrtlewood and I could not be more satisfied. On top of being beautiful it is dead quiet and though Dan told me I might feel a tiny bit of hand shock I cannot detect any. The bow is 57 lbs.@ 29 1/2" and I am shooting 655 gr. Douglas Fir arrows with "cat whiskers" and B-50 strings. It shoots superbly and Dan's delivery time is weeks and I am sure he can provide you a "loaner" if desired. Contact him at www.montanabows.com
Originally posted by centaur: Northern Mist Baraga. Mild R/D, locator grip, 62". Quiet, no hand shock, plenty fast. I have one and I have a Bear Montana. No question about which is the better bow. Baraga hands down.
Originally posted by GingivitisKahn: Here's another vote for the HH. I love mine.
Originally posted by Jerry Jeffer: I Love my Mahantango.
Originally posted by Magwa45: Right here in MD, we have a great bowyer, Tom Parsons of Kim Sha Archery. He make a Howard Hill style "D" bow. I have a Mattawoman II deflex-reflex longbow. It is a great shooter, 45@28" and 62" long. He also makes a traditional reflex longbow called the Mattawoman. Very fine bows and he really is a good guy to work with. He'll set you up right.