I personally make my first shot of the day the most important, usually on a animal target, concentrate and work on form. If that is good, I usually shoot a 6 shot group, moving each shot, back and forth, zig, zag and so on. Doing this I usually shoot a 4-5 inch group anywhere between 15-32yds. This is as far as I shoot on animals. I also shoot different positions, angles, on my knee and so forth. I usually do real well for 40-50 shots, then because of arthritis, I start opening up. When I do this, I stop, take a breather and pull my arrows and shoot one last shot at the above mentioned distance before going in, leave that arrow in the target and it is the first one I shoot next time! This last shot is the second most important, because I am tired, not rested, and can be a lot like getting home from work and then going hunting. This has worked for me over the years, and this year I have shot 4 shots at big game while hunting, all 4 connected, just like practice. I also shoot in the wind, rain, snow to fully apprecate the difference in these situations, helps the "computer" take over.